diagram |
namespace |
urn:ebu:metadata-schema:ebuCore_2014 |
type |
ebucore:audioObjectType |
properties |
children |
ebucore:audioPackFormatIDRef ebucore:audioObjectIDRef ebucore:audioTrackUIDRef |
used by |
attributes |
Name | Type | Use | Default | Fixed | Annotation | audioObjectID | xs:anyURI | | | | documentation | A unique ID for this audioObject, |
| audioObjectName | xs:string | | | | documentation | A unique human readable name for this audioObject, |
| start | ebucore:timecodeType | | | | documentation | The start time associated with this audioObject expressed as a
timecode. |
| duration | ebucore:timecodeType | | | | documentation | The duration associated with this audioObject expressed as a
timecode. |
| dialogue | xs:int | | 0 | | documentation | 1 if object is dialogue, 0 if not, 2 if mixed. Default =
0. |
| importance | xs:int | | | | documentation | Importance of an object. Allows a render to discard an object below a
certain level of importance. 10 is most, 0 least. Default = 10. |
| interact | xs:boolean | | | | documentation | Allows interaction by the user. 1 for allowing interaction, 0 if not.
Default = 0. |
annotation |
documentation | Establish the relationship between the content using track UIDs and the
format via audio packs. These can be nested, so refer to other
audioObjects. |
source |
<xs:element name="audioObject" type="ebucore:audioObjectType">
<xs:documentation>Establish the relationship between the content using track UIDs and the
format via audio packs. These can be nested, so refer to other
</xs:element> |