diagram |
namespace |
urn:ebu:metadata-schema:ebuCore_2014 |
type |
ebucore:audioPackFormatType |
properties |
children |
ebucore:audioChannelFormatIDRef ebucore:audioPackFormatIDRef |
used by |
attributes |
Name | Type | Use | Default | Fixed | Annotation | absoluteDistance | xs:float | | | | documentation | The absolute distance in meters. |
| audioPackFormatID | xs:anyURI | | | | documentation | A unique ID for an audio pack. |
| audioPackFormatName | xs:string | | | | documentation | A unique human readable name for an audio pack. |
| typeLabel | xs:string | | | | documentation | Free text to define the type of the associated element.
| typeDefinition | xs:string | | | | documentation | Free text to provide a definition for the type. |
| typeLink | xs:anyURI | | | | documentation | A URI to link e.g. to a type in a classification scheme.
| typeSource | xs:string | | | | documentation | To identify a source of attribution. |
| typeLanguage | xs:language | | | | documentation | To define the language in which the type information is provided.
| importance | xs:int | | | | documentation | Importance of an audio pack. Allows a render to discard an audio pack
below a certain level of importance. 10 is most, 0 least. |
annotation |
documentation | The audioPackFormat brings together one or more audioChannelFormats that
belong together. For example 'stereo' and '5.1' would be audioPackFormats for
channel-based formats. It can also contain references to other packs to allow
nesting. To help define the type of channels described within the pack, a
typeDefintion is used to define them. | documentation | The typeDefinition/typeLabel must match those in the referred
audioChannelFormats: | documentation | DirectSpeakers: For channel-based audio, where each channel feeds a
speaker directly. Type 001. | documentation | Matrix: For channel-based audio where channels are matrixed together,
such as Mid-Side, Lt/Rt. Type 002. | documentation | Objects: For object-based audio where channels represent audio objects
(or parts of objects), so include positional information. Type 003. | documentation | HOA: For scene-based audio where Ambisonics and HOA are used. Type 004. | documentation | Binaural:For binaural audio, where playback is over headphones. Type
005. |
source |
<xs:element name="audioPackFormat" type="ebucore:audioPackFormatType">
<xs:documentation>The audioPackFormat brings together one or more audioChannelFormats that
belong together. For example 'stereo' and '5.1' would be audioPackFormats for
channel-based formats. It can also contain references to other packs to allow
nesting. To help define the type of channels described within the pack, a
typeDefintion is used to define them. </xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation> The typeDefinition/typeLabel must match those in the referred
<xs:documentation> DirectSpeakers: For channel-based audio, where each channel feeds a
speaker directly. Type 001. </xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation> Matrix: For channel-based audio where channels are matrixed together,
such as Mid-Side, Lt/Rt. Type 002. </xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation> Objects: For object-based audio where channels represent audio objects
(or parts of objects), so include positional information. Type 003. </xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation> HOA: For scene-based audio where Ambisonics and HOA are used. Type 004. </xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation> Binaural:For binaural audio, where playback is over headphones. Type
005. </xs:documentation>
</xs:element> |