diagram |
namespace |
urn:ebu:metadata-schema:ebuCore_2014 |
type |
ebucore:audioStreamFormatType |
properties |
children |
ebucore:audioChannelFormatIDRef ebucore:audioPackFormatIDRef ebucore:audioTrackFormatIDRef |
used by |
attributes |
Name | Type | Use | Default | Fixed | Annotation | audioStreamFormatID | xs:anyURI | required | | | documentation | A unique ID for the audio stream. |
| audioStreamFormatName | xs:string | | | | documentation | A unique human readable name for the audio stream. |
| formatLabel | xs:string | | | | documentation | Free text to define the format of the associated element.
| formatDefinition | xs:string | | | | documentation | Free text to provide a definition for the format. |
| formatLink | xs:anyURI | | | | documentation | A URI to link e.g. to a format in a classification scheme.
| formatSource | xs:string | | | | documentation | To identify a source of attribution. |
| formatLanguage | xs:language | | | | documentation | To define the language in which the type information is provided.
annotation |
documentation | A combination of tracks (or one track) required to
represent a channel, an object, or a group. The audioStreamFormat establishes a
relation between audioTrackFormats stored in the asset and audioChannelFormats
produced by these audioTrackFormats. Its main use is to deal with non-PCM encoded
tracks, where one or several audioTrackFormats produce several audioChannelFormats.
The audioStreamFormat allows knowing which audioChannelFormats are available on an
asset and how to effectively access to them. An audio stream can also be used to
link together several PCM audioTrackFormats. |
source |
<xs:element name="audioStreamFormat" type="ebucore:audioStreamFormatType">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">A combination of tracks (or one track) required to
represent a channel, an object, or a group. The audioStreamFormat establishes a
relation between audioTrackFormats stored in the asset and audioChannelFormats
produced by these audioTrackFormats. Its main use is to deal with non-PCM encoded
tracks, where one or several audioTrackFormats produce several audioChannelFormats.
The audioStreamFormat allows knowing which audioChannelFormats are available on an
asset and how to effectively access to them. An audio stream can also be used to
link together several PCM audioTrackFormats. </xs:documentation>
</xs:element> |