diagram |
namespace |
urn:ebu:metadata-schema:ebuCore_2014 |
type |
ebucore:audioChannelFormatType |
properties |
children |
ebucore:frequency ebucore:audioBlockFormat |
used by |
attributes |
Name | Type | Use | Default | Fixed | Annotation | audioChannelFormatName | xs:string | | | | documentation | A unique human readable name for the audio channel |
| audioChannelFormatID | xs:anyURI | | | | documentation | A unique ID for the audio channel |
| typeLabel | xs:string | | | | documentation | Free text to define the type of the associated element.
| typeDefinition | xs:string | | | | documentation | Free text to provide a definition for the type. |
| typeLink | xs:anyURI | | | | documentation | A URI to link e.g. to a type in a classification scheme.
| typeSource | xs:string | | | | documentation | To identify a source of attribution. |
| typeLanguage | xs:language | | | | documentation | To define the language in which the type information is provided.
annotation |
documentation | An audio channel represents a single sequence of audio
samples. | documentation | An audioChannelFormat represents a single sequence of audio samples. It
is sub-divided in the time domain into audioBlockFormats, which is must contain at
least one of. The typeDefintion of the audioChannelFormat specifies the type of
audio it is describing, and also determines which parameters are used within its
audioBlockFormat children. | documentation | Currently, there are five different typeDefinitions: | documentation | DirectSpeakers: For channel-based audio, where each audio channel feeds
a speaker directly. Type 0001. | documentation | Matrix: For channel-based audio where channels are matrixed together,
such as Mid-Side, Lt/Rt. Type 0002. | documentation | Objects: For object-based audio where channels represent audio objects
(or parts of objects), so include positional information. Type 0003. | documentation | HOA: For scene-based audio where Ambisonics and HOA are used. Type 0004. | documentation | Binaural:For binaural audio, where playback is over headphones. Type
0005. |
source |
<xs:element name="audioChannelFormat" type="ebucore:audioChannelFormatType">
<xs:documentation>An audio channel represents a single sequence of audio
<xs:documentation>An audioChannelFormat represents a single sequence of audio samples. It
is sub-divided in the time domain into audioBlockFormats, which is must contain at
least one of. The typeDefintion of the audioChannelFormat specifies the type of
audio it is describing, and also determines which parameters are used within its
audioBlockFormat children.</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation>Currently, there are five different typeDefinitions:</xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation> DirectSpeakers: For channel-based audio, where each audio channel feeds
a speaker directly. Type 0001. </xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation> Matrix: For channel-based audio where channels are matrixed together,
such as Mid-Side, Lt/Rt. Type 0002. </xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation> Objects: For object-based audio where channels represent audio objects
(or parts of objects), so include positional information. Type 0003. </xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation> HOA: For scene-based audio where Ambisonics and HOA are used. Type 0004. </xs:documentation>
<xs:documentation> Binaural:For binaural audio, where playback is over headphones. Type
0005. </xs:documentation>
</xs:element> |