complexType coverageType
diagram gluon3_1_p756.png
namespace urn:ebu:metadata-schema:ebuCore_2014
children coverage ebucore:temporal ebucore:spatial
used by
elements coreMetadataType/coverage rightsType/coverage
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
typeLabel  xs:string        
Free text to define the type of the associated element.
typeDefinition  xs:string        
Free text to provide a definition for the type.
typeLink  xs:anyURI        
A URI to link e.g. to a type in a classification scheme.
typeSource  xs:string        
To identify a source of attribution.
typeLanguage  xs:language        
To define the language in which the type information is provided.
Coverage will typically include spatial location (a place name or
geographic coordinates), temporal period (a period label, date, or date range) or
jurisdiction (such as a named administrative entity). Recommended best practice is
to select a value from a controlled vocabulary (for example, the Thesaurus of
Geographic Names) and that, where appropriate, named places or time periods be used
in preference to numeric identifiers such as sets of coordinates or date
source <xs:complexType name="coverageType">
<xs:documentation>Coverage will typically include spatial location (a place name or
geographic coordinates), temporal period (a period label, date, or date range) or
jurisdiction (such as a named administrative entity). Recommended best practice is
to select a value from a controlled vocabulary (for example, the Thesaurus of
Geographic Names) and that, where appropriate, named places or time periods be used
in preference to numeric identifiers such as sets of coordinates or date
<xs:element ref="dc:coverage" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation> The EBU core metadata set is built as a refinement of the Dublin
<xs:element name="temporal" type="ebucore:temporalType" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Temporal characteristics of the content of the resource. To
indicate e.g. specific date, time or period aspects of the subject of the
resource in complement to Description.
<xs:element name="spatial" type="ebucore:spatialType" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Spatial characteristics of the content of the resource. To
indicate e.g. specific place and location aspects of the subject of the
resource in complement to Description.
<xs:attributeGroup ref="ebucore:typeGroup">
<xs:documentation> To specify a type of coverage in association with dc:coverage

element coverageType/temporal
diagram gluon3_1_p757.png
namespace urn:ebu:metadata-schema:ebuCore_2014
type ebucore:temporalType
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
children ebucore:PeriodOfTime
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
typeLabel  xs:string        
Free text to define the type of the associated element.
typeDefinition  xs:string        
Free text to provide a definition for the type.
typeLink  xs:anyURI        
A URI to link e.g. to a type in a classification scheme.
typeSource  xs:string        
To identify a source of attribution.
typeLanguage  xs:language        
To define the language in which the type information is provided.
note  xs:string        
Optional additional contextual information.
periodId  xs:anyURI        
An identifier to support the management of time periods (e.g.
historical or repetitive event) in databases and RDF.
Temporal characteristics of the content of the resource. To
indicate e.g. specific date, time or period aspects of the subject of the
resource in complement to Description.
source <xs:element name="temporal" type="ebucore:temporalType" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Temporal characteristics of the content of the resource. To
indicate e.g. specific date, time or period aspects of the subject of the
resource in complement to Description.

element coverageType/spatial
diagram gluon3_1_p758.png
namespace urn:ebu:metadata-schema:ebuCore_2014
type ebucore:spatialType
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
children ebucore:location
Spatial characteristics of the content of the resource. To
indicate e.g. specific place and location aspects of the subject of the
resource in complement to Description.
source <xs:element name="spatial" type="ebucore:spatialType" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Spatial characteristics of the content of the resource. To
indicate e.g. specific place and location aspects of the subject of the
resource in complement to Description.

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor