Name | Type | Use | Default | Fixed | Annotation |
startDate | xs:dateTime | | | | documentation | Start tid og dato i ISO format | documentation | Start time and date in ISO format |
startYear | xs:int | | | | documentation | Startår | documentation | Start year |
startMonth | derived by: xs:int | | | | |
startDay | derived by: xs:int | | | | |
startTime | xs:time | | | | documentation | Tidspunkt for hendelse |
startDayOfWeek | derived by: xs:int | | | | documentation | Ukedag etter ISO 8601 er 1 mandag, 7 søndag | documentation | Day of week, starts on 1 with Monday, ends on 7 for Sunday |
startPoint | xs:duration | | | | documentation | Start relativt fra start på foreldre objekt | documentation | Start point relative from beginning of parent |
endDate | xs:dateTime | optional | | | |
endYear | xs:int | | | | |
endMonth | derived by: xs:int | | | | |
endDay | derived by: xs:int | | | | |
endTime | xs:time | | | | documentation | Tidspunkt for hendelse |
endDayOfWeek | derived by: xs:int | | | | |
endPoint | xs:duration | | | | documentation | Slutt relativt fra start på foreldre objekt | documentation | End point relative from beginning of parent |
repeatMin | xs:int | optional | | | documentation | Vises minimum antall ganger.
Brukes av systemer som repeterer informasjonen, sendekaruseller |
repeatMax | xs:int | optional | | | documentation | Vises maksimum antall ganger.
Brukes av systemer som repeterer informasjonen, sendekaruseller |
gluonDict:employmentTypesType | derived by: xs:string | required | | | |
label | xs:string | optional | | | documentation | Dersom numeriske verdier benyttes, i f. eks IPTC er dette en forklaring på tallverdien |
reference | xs:string | | | | documentation | Ref til system, f. eks. Desken2Foldere |
link | xs:anyURI | | | | documentation | Lenke til en termdefinisjon i en dataordbok. | documentation | A link to an termId in a data dictionary |
xml:lang | derived by: xs:language | | | | documentation | <div>
<h3>lang (as an attribute name)</h3>
denotes an attribute whose value
is a language code for the natural language of the content of
any element; its value is inherited. This name is reserved
by virtue of its definition in the XML specification.</p>
Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never
going to be a realistic possibility.
See BCP 47 at <a href=""></a>
and the IANA language subtag registry at
<a href=""></a>
for further information.
The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with
the empty string.
</div> |
fraction | xs:decimal | | | | documentation | Stillingsandel i denne delen av beskrivelsen |
salaryFraction | xs:decimal | | | | documentation | Lønnsandel i denne delen av beskrivelsen |
mainEmployer | xs:boolean | | | | documentation | Er dette er hovedansettelse |
statusLabel | xs:string | | | | |
statusDefinition | xs:string | | | | |
statusLink | xs:anyURI | | | | |